God tells us to surround ourselfs with people who love Christ. A certain fable tells of cattle that went into the fields to graze. They spread out among the field. Then a lion came and ate all of them one by one. Why do you think they all got eaten by one lion? They all got eaten because they all divided and did not stand as one. In the fable it stays that the cattle tried to defend themselfs with there horns but were not equiped enough. What in your life is represented by the horns? Its the bible, and the lion is represented as saitin. We on our own need to be well equiped with gods' word. If not we will be divowered by saitin and his demons. You also need to equip your self with Gods' word so that your friends and you can stand up to saitin and fight him using your spiritually armor. Are you equiping yourself with Gods' word? Next time Satin attacks you or your friend will you be ready?