Your Spiritual Nurishment

We hope you enjoy this section in our site about all the spiritual advice we all need! We encourage you to pray and stay close to God!

Ellie & Ashley


Poor Karl

October 31, 2009
So I have a facebook and you can share comments on what you are doing. One of friends said that he noticed himself praying to himself and then he states that he is God and that he is almighty. NOOOOO. My dad replied before I could but he said NOOO. And that no human is God. My dad started to pound on this guys door for saying this. I felt really bad for him that he would even think that. There is only one God and Karl is not God. A whole bunch of people commented on what Karl said and it turns out that more people agreed with him then disagreed. That is what really through me head over heals. God said in the bible that there is only one God. Umm He was right!!!! If you ever hear one of your friends say that they are God they really need some talking to them, and you have to be the one to talk to them. Are you going to do it? Will you stand up to your faith and what you believe in?
 Minimizing Space
       Is your room full of disrespectful stuff? Well the other day I was cleaning out my room and found a bunch of wizard stuff in boxes. Apparently I used to think i was a witch sometimes and run around zapping people. That really was not
a Godly thing to do but I did not know better...:) Ashley


God's Will

October 12, 2009
When you pray are you asking God for HIS will or YOUR will? An example of this is would be, "God, I know what you have in store for me is best, but please make my parents let me go to the party tonight!" I must say I have caught myself doing this when I really want something. Now you may ask what is soooo wrong with this prayer. Asking God for His will and then asking Him for yours is wrong because God's will for your life is perfect. God designed your life and has a whole plan for changing that doesn't work out the way God wants it too...and daddy knows best! Even though  sometimes we cant see how something the complete opposite of what you want is best for your life, we have to remember that God sees everything. He know the future, my way and His way. He knows if you will fail or succeed  Also, when you ask God for His will and your will it is kind of like saying you don't trust God cause you think your plan is better than His. Just put faith in God and always trust in Him. 1John 2:17
"And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever."


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